The Brightline train has made the south Florida commute so much sweeter!

I have lived in South Florida for most if my life and over the years we have been getting a lot more people moving here from out of town from New York or LA etc so we are getting pretty crowded and more Floridians have even been moving more north to places like Ocala, Sebastian etc . With all the new people and current residents traffic has been picking up even more! I’ve been taking the Brightline since they first opened.

One of the great things about riding the Brightline 🚊 to the Miami station was getting to stop at joe and the juice to have this green juice they are all about sustainability ♻️ and they even have a food waste app 📱!
Download the @gobrightline app so that you are able to see all the new things they have to offer like complimentary entry to certain Musuems when you show your Brightline ticket 🎫 feel free to check out my highlight so you can see my time on the Brightline 😎
When you take the Brightline it cuts the cost of having to pay for gas and with gas prices on the rise you cant beat that! You can also save money by using the app to pay for parking in advance for only $5!!! You can also book additional transportation to get you to and from your destination by taking the bright+ cars or the bicycle Or shared rides that they offer when you book your trip.

I have been to the Tea Room and toAruba
For tea lovers this place is definitely delightful great ambience food hits the pallet beautifully the desserts makes your heart warm.
I absolutely love Aruba and your so right about the tea!